
60 vegan plant-based alkaline recipes (e-book)

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+Free E-book The 90-day Transition Plan To An Alkaline Diet

An e-book with 60 delicious vegan plant-based recipes inspired by Dr. Sebi’s food list. The recipes are mainly derived from the Surinamese/caribbean cuisine and other cuisines from all over the world.

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An e-book inspired by Dr. Sebi

The recipes in this E-book have mainly been inspired by Dr Sebi’s Food List (Alfredo Darrington Bauman, 26 November 1933 – 6 August 2016). He was well known for his ability to cure the most debilitating diseases by eliminating/reducing an excess of mucus or slime, and by alkalizing blood by adopting an alkaline lifestyle or diet.
Dr. Sebi also indicated that vitamins and proteins are comprised out of minerals that already exist in plants, and that the minerals bolster the production of electricity/energy in the food we eat. To become and remain healthy, it is crucial to continue following an alkaline plant-based diet combined with a detox-lifestyle. There is a reason for the saying, “you are what you eat”, after all.
Moreover, it is also very important to know which types of vegetables and fruits you consume as many can be hybrids (as in manufactured by humans), which in turn can have a negative impact on our health. In this vein, the teachings of Dr. Sebi are ideal guidelines to help us improve our overall health.

But, how do you know the alkaline diet is the right diet?

To ensure growth on different levels (mental, physical etc.), it is very important to keep questioning, to experiment by yourself, but also to apply the basic logic of nature’s laws. Only then can you come to the core of the truth―and the right sources―in regards to your health on a physical, mental and energetic level. All of it is namely one whole.
There are many non-organic products in the supermarket that feed your body, but the question you should ask yourself is, is it the right type of food? What does it do to me in the long-term, and what type of an effect does the food have on my internal growth?

The 60 delicious alkaline recipes in this E-book!

The 60 recipes you can find in this E-book have been designed for people who want to transition to a alkaline plant-based diet, and people who also want to fully enjoy mouthwatering and appetizing meals: which makes this book perfect for such purposes!
The alkaline recipes are primarily based on those from the Surinamese kitchen, and other kitchens from around the world.
A lot of love and dedication have gone into creating these recipes, and that is exactly what you will be “consuming”!