Hemp Milk Elixirs

7.77 Euro

A unique e-book with 13 hemp milk recipes combined with medicinal herbs that support the human body in all areas!


Participate in a detox lifestyle !

Are you taking a part in a cleansing journey and do you want to make your cleansing journey more enjoyable? Do you want to live disease-free? Do you want to get closer to yourself?

This book strives to make the world a healthier place through the knowledge that was gathered throughout the lifetime of the author of this book.
This hemp milk/elixirs recipe e-book was therefore brought to the reader to use as a tool to make their health journey a lot easier, especially when it comes to cleansing.
Most of the herbs that were applied within the recipes, were derived from the knowledge of the late self-educated herbalist Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Darrington Bowman), recognized for curing irreversible diseases and ailments that mankind has known. (Link met een interview van Dr.Sebi)

This book won’t disappoint the reader when it comes to developing their wellbeing and longevity!
A person can take part into different forms of cleansing e.g. raw food dieting, juice fasting, water fasting, fruit fasting, dry fasting and liquid fasting.
In this book we will address the liquid part of cleansing which can also mesh well with your lifestyle in general.
On top of being healthy, the liquid recipes are flavorous and soul-fulfilling at the same time.

Aside from giving recipes, this book also carries educational information e.g. which types of water to use, the herbal properties, the dosages of herbs and useful tips that can support you on your cleansing journey.

Categorized recipes to help the reader target specific areas that are in need of healing.
The recipes have been categorized to support different organ systems within the human body.
Most of the recipes have specific functions that can help in things such as relaxing the nervous system, improving brain function, boosting energy and so on and so forth.

Why you should purchase this book.
This simplified yet abundant book of recipes and tips offers you limitless opportunities to improve your health, whether you are already on a path of health or looking to get on it.
The author has made sure to put his gained knowledge and experiences into something that can help others to activate the knowledge surrounding the self-healing mechanism of the human body.
The hope is that eventually, the reader can pursue their own methods to improve one’s health on all levels to become one with themselves.
Purchase this book and make your own cleansing journey smoother, disciplined and enjoyable at the same time.